Hey there fellas! 
We hope you are doing well. This week we continue with our lovely event series erasMUSEUM, where we explore the great museum of Turkey!
This erasMUSEUM is a special one as we are planning to visit a museum and an exhibition in a day!
We will be visiting the first modern museum of turkey: Istanbul Modern. There are many creative artworks exhibited and we guarantee you that you will be filled with modern art!
The second destination is an exhibition; Refik Anadol. Refik Anadol Studio's most comprehensive solo exhibition ever held in Istanbul, "Machine Memories: Space" offers a new perspective that reveals the place of astronomical research in human history and sheds light on space.
Istanbul Modern:
-International Students = 51 Turkish Liras
- Refik Anadol's Exibition = Free
If you would like to join us meet us at Rıhtım/ Kadıköy on the 6th of April at 09:30 A.M.
06/04/2021 - 09:30
Meeting Point: 
Kadıköy Rıhtım Sahili
  • Everyone is invited.